All About Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga is named after and developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, who was a direct disciple of T. Krishnamacharya. Together with Pattabhi Jois (who developed Ashtanga yoga), he was partly responsible for bringing the practice of modern yoga to the West.

What makes Iyengar Yoga unique?

Iyengar Yoga focuses on three aspects: alignment, sequencing, and timing.

  • Alignment means maintaining the intended pose while respecting the body’s boundaries. Iyengar yoga encourages the use of props to assist students within an asana without putting them at risk of injury. Effective alignment can help to achieve a balance between body, mind, and breath.

  • Sequencing refers to the order that the postures are practiced. This enables a safe and structured progression of the poses, along with the ‘opening’ and balance of the physical and emotional body.

  • Timing: unlike Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar yoga poses are held for longer periods of time. When stability is achieved in a pose, it’s then possible to safely intensify the depth of the posture. This helps to help develop strength and flexibility, along with sensitivity and awareness between the body and mind.

What are the benefits?

Mr. Iyengar started practicing yoga because he had poor health as a child. With daily practice, his health and strength improved and he experienced great benefits in his own body. This enabled him to develop an extensive knowledge of anatomy and a therapeutic approach to the practice.  

Mr. Iyengar recognised that all bodies are unique and have different strengths and weaknesses. He, therefore, advocated the use of props – blocks, chairs, belts, and blankets, etc. – to help students to gain the correct alignment suitable for their individual bodies. This ensured that asanas could be practiced safely and harmoniously.

Photographs of Mr. Iyengar, who died at the age of 95, may be proof alone that the benefits are plentiful! A regular Iyengar practice can help to:  

  • improve physical and psychological health

  • alleviate postural/structural problems

  • release emotional tension

  • increase focus and concentration

  • increase your energy

  • reconnect with your body and breath

  • bring intelligence and clarity to all parts of the body and mind.

Who is Iyengar suitable for?

Everybody! It is suitable for beginners and intermediate/advanced students.

Iyengar Yoga’s attention to alignment and use of props to help students ‘into’ the poses means that it is ideal for beginners to gain optimal alignment and can be very therapeutic for people with postural issues.

Here at Yoga On The Square in New Zealand’s Palmerston North, we have Iyengar Yoga classes for every level, age, gender, and ability. Don’t be shy!


7 Reasons To Practice Iyengar